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Absent healing is a spiritual healing treatment done when the patient is absent

Absent Healing is to send this loving healing energy to someone who is not physically present.

Spiritual Healing comes from the Spirit and works through the Spirit of the healer, to the Spirit of the person (the patient) receiving it.

Everything is living matter and thought is as living and is not dependent upon a physical place to work.  This is true also for spiritual energy.

It can be as effective as Contact Healing is.

What separates them is with Contact Healing you feel the Healer put their hands on your body, which in turn activates the endorphins in your body, the body’s feel-good hormones.

With Absent Healing the person is not physically present, but thoughts of betterment are sent from the Healer to the one who needs healing.

The power of the healing energy is therefore not affected by time, distance, or cause but by the healer who is sending it. We are labelled healers, but it is not we who are the true healers.

 We are only a channel for this beautiful energy, it is the spiritual doctors who are the healers.

A Healer's task is to allow this loving, calming, non-invasive healing energy, from the Spirit World, through the Healer, to the Patient, to flow.

  • When you receive absent healing, you do not need to worry about what to think or how to be in any way. Nor does it matter how your day is laid out. 
  • Since it is the spiritual doctors administering this healing energy, who also have a vast knowledge about this, they also know what time and in what condition you need to be in, so they can assist you and help you in the best way possible. 
  • If anything, a positive attitude is always helpful, regardless of what we do in life but it does not affect the healing energy for it to work or not.
  • We are all a spiritual being and this beautiful, loving, and caring energy will do so much good for every living being, since it is not asking for anything in return.
  • It is an act of kindness, love and wish for someone to hopefully be able to have a better quality of life.
  •  If, for some reason, this healing energy should not be received, it will be determined on a spiritual level and nothing we need to be worried about. 
  • This energy will then be directed to someone or something else in the universe where it is better needed.
  • When we are sending absent healing to you do not need to specifically sit and wait for this to happen at a certain time. 
  •  The spiritual doctors know when the right condition for you to receive this is since their knowledge supersedes ours here on earth. They are not governed by our linear timeline but by conditions.
  •  This simply means that they know best when to administer this energy to you to achieve the best results. Often this is done during the night when asleep since we are most receptive then, and sometimes it is at another time. We let them decide who knows this better than us.

Absent Healing: Free!

Do you need Absent Healing or know someone who is in need, just click on the button below and fill out the form.
What we wish to know about the person who is to receive Absent Healing is as follows; 

  • Name 
  • Location
  • As much information as possible about the condition they need help with
We will be directing the absent healing to you/them and we never charge for it. 

If you wish to contact us directly - send us an email to: info@lindblomacademy.se