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A medium is just a regular person who has developed their senses for the possibility to communicate with people who have passed over to the other side.

One of the purposes of mediumship is to provide proof of survival of the so-called "death".
When saying this you must accept that we might not be able to prove that we have eternal Life, but we can give as much evidence as needed for the person who has come to consult us that it is enough evidence for them.

By communicating with a person in the spirit world they can give us enough evidence that is needed for this to happen.

The most common form of mediumship is what you call 'Mental Mediumship' and that is when the Spirit World has the possibility to impress the medium through seeing, sensing and hearing.

The medium can perceive this either objectively or subjectively, where one is not better than the other.

There are different ways to perceive this information from the Spirit World;

  • Clairsentience - The medium senses the personality and character of the spirit person within him/herself
  •  Clairvoyance - when the medium sees pictures and/or people objectively or subjectively, i.e. within or without him/herself
  • Clairaudience - when the medium hears what is being said objectively or subjectively
  • Clairgustance - when the Spirit World is using the medium's taste
  • Clairalience - when the medium smells or scents something from the Spirit World
  • Clairknowing- when the medium "just knows" – similar to intuition but on a higher energy level

This possibility to perceive this is done via the medium's mind, hence the name; Mental Mediumship

Why do people in the Spirit World wish to communicate with their loved ones left behind in the physical world - and why do we have a wish to do this with the ones who have passed over to the other side?

We might wonder where they are, if they have changed much, if they are still the same people we knew and loved when they were here on Earth, and how they are doing.

The Spirit World which we all will go to after we 'die', is a place which is not separated from us here on Earth by physical distance, but by dimensions.

It is possible to communicate with our loved ones who have done the journey over before us, since mediumship clearly shows this communication, through the personal evidence which is relayed.

It is a great source of comfort, which helps us heal, to let go, to mourn - which has a great healing effect upon us which enables us to continue with our lives but with an understanding that we will meet again.

This soul journey which 'death' is, means we are moving on to the next level of existence.  Most of the ones who do this journey would like to relay that they made it to the other side and that they are fine.  Many times they wish to say that they are still around us and that we do not need to worry about them.  That they are fine and all is well.

The medium is this channel, or 'telephone line' between these two worlds so that these messages can be delivered. One of the medium's tasks is to prove that life continues after the so-called physical death.

Our soul lives on and through the connection with our loved ones who have already transitioned to Spirit, a medium can prove that this is what is happening.

A medium is therefore not there to tell the future, since nothing is cast in stone, since not even the Spirit World knows exactly what the future holds.  We have a great personal responsibility of our own lives and how we choose to live it.

Our loved ones in Spirit would like to relay that they have made the journey over to the etheric world and are fine.  They also wish to make sure that the ones they have left behind are also fine.  Many times they would also like to give a few tips and ideas of how you can think or where to look to get a different perspective on things.  

They cannot tell us what to do or not to do, say or think, but would many times like to come around us to cheer us up.  To help us cope with life a bit better.  Help us get stronger and wiser.

They are the same people even after they transition to the World of Spirit.  They keep their character and personality.  It takes time to change, even there.

This is why a medium is able to relay information and details about them to their loved ones still on Earth.

Private Consultation 30 min: 70 euro
Recording of the sitting is included (MP3-file).  
You pay when you book.

I offer consultations online. The consultations are done online, via Zoom. 

You book your consultation by clicking the button below.